Other Courses
CTH 211 The Bible: An Introduction
study of the biblical text which emphasizes how historical influences and literary structures interact with religious insights
and ethical imperatives.
CTH 213 Introduction to the New Testament
A critical investigation
of the New Testament. Topics include the earliest Christian writings (letters of Paul), the production of "gospels" about
Jesus, and the development of early churches in the context of ancient history and society. Cross-listed with REL 233.
CTH 313 The Gospel According to Mark
A study of the Gospel of Mark with
attention to its structure, major themes and key (Taught at Catholic Theological Union.) Permission of Program Director required.
CTH 315 The Gospel According to John
A study of the Gospel of John with
attention to its distinctive style and theology, its overall structure and content. Key sections will be used to highlight
such major Johannine motifs as religious symbolism, sacraments, community and spirituality. (Taught at Catholic Theological
Union.) Permission of Program Director required.
CTH 232 Introduction to the Liturgy
Basic issues and elements of Christian
liturgy with special attention given to the liturgical documents of the Roman Catholic Church. Required lab sessions on dates
announced at the beginning of the quarter. Taught at Catholic Theological Union. Permission of Program Director required.
CTH 312 The Gospel According to Matthew
A study of the context, structure
and major motifs of the Gospel of Matthew. Particular attention will be given to the evangelist's role as an interpreter of
tradition and history for a community in transition. (Taught at Catholic Theological Union.) Permission of Program Director